Proformance Pet Products Inc. Trademark

Proformance®, Omega-Pro®, Vita-Pro®, Pro-Nexus®, Digesti-Pro®, Easy Chew®, and Oxi-Pro® are trademarks registered in the USA and other countries.

Proformance Certifications

The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO)

The American Association of Feed Control OfficialsThe American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) establishes standards for the production, labeling, distribution, and sale of animal feeds. Their objective is to ensure safe and effective products for pets. All Proformance products are not only formulated to meet these guidelines, they are then, as part of our ongoing Quality Assurance Program, routinely tested to ensure that the finished products actually comply to AAFCO standards.

The American Institute of Baking (AIB)

The American Institute of BakingThe American Institute of Baking was founded in 1919 to "enhance product quality and reduce food safety risks". This organization conducts rigorous and unscheduled inspections of human food production facilities around the world. Proformance is produced in an AIB certified facility that has routinely scored higher than many human food facilities. We are very proud of this. Very few manufacturers of pet food are able to pass AIB certification.